
Recently, I asked my network, “What would you like to read about in my newsletter? What topics interest you?” The first suggestion I received was: “How to motivate young people.” It’s a fascinating topic, and I’m excited to explore it in this article. I’ll share my perspective, drawing from my knowledge, values, and personal and […]

Happy New Year, dear people! May this year bring you growth, joy, and fulfillment! Every new year—and every new day—is a “blank page” upon which we can write whatever we desire. The future isn’t something to predict; it’s something we actively create through our daily actions, habits, and choices. Ultimately, the life we lead depends […]

In today’s fast-paced world, many leaders excel in their business or careers but face challenges in finding true balance and fulfillment. At times, leaders’ professional goals may even suffer for various reasons, and these challenges can impact their well-being. What if success didn’t have to come at the cost of your well-being or personal life? […]

I’m thrilled to share an article from Vagabond magazine that features my work in holistic business, leadership, and life balance solutions to challenges. Whether you’re navigating a major transition, facing challenges in business, leadership and life balance, seeking to enhance team collaboration and effectiveness, or aspiring to become a coach, I hope this article provides […]

Merry Christmas dear people! I wish you much health, happiness and blessings to you and your families! With love, Ivet

“Abundance is a state of the spirit. It is a way of being. It is not something that you can obtain or lose.” – once my spiritual teacher told me some years ago. Yes, it took me some time to integrate it in myself. Why and how? We all live in abundance. In the human […]

What do you thing about most of the time during the day? What are your concerns that you are thinking about often? What are your fears that stops you from doing what you want to do? What is your inner dialog about the things in life, people or a situation, or particular person? How does […]

“You helped me get back to my center, to reconnect with my authentic self and positive energy. This is something very special for you. I have not met a coach with your capacity to work with difficult emotions” a client said to me recently. And yes, this is one of my superpowers in my coaching […]

We all as humans have superpowers Superpowers are something like talents that make us unique and valuable for the other people. They are things that we are particularly good at or special qualities that other people see in us.  They are special gifts that can be very ordinary at first sight but very precious for the […]

What do you think coaching is? What do you know about coaching? It is so modern nowadays. But many people confuse it with consulting or mentoring. Professional coaching is a methodology for leading a conversation that creates awareness, new solutions, and transformation. In professional coaching, we do not give advice. If you get advice or […]