For new entrepreneurs

Saturday April 23rd, 2022
For new entrepreneurs

Have you started your own business recently?

Even if you are 2-3 years of experience in entrepreneurship, you are at the beginning stage and most probably you have already faced some challenges.  If yes, read this article. It may help you find some insights.

I will start with this: as a new entrepreneur, you need to develop your business, leadership skills and style, and life balance together.

Starting your own business, first of all, you become a leader even if you don’t have a team yet. You need to see yourself as a leader more than as a business owner. Having a business is a fact, but being a leader is who you really are. Your business is nothing if it does not have a good leader. Do you agree with this? All businesses are done by leaders. And the success of each business depends on the leader’s personality and skills. So, if you want to develop a business, you should lead people (employees, clients, followers) in a particular direction. This direction depends on your vision.

So the next very important thing is to create a vision, to know what you want, find your real motivation, and explore your path. It also includes finding who you really are and what is your mission. This is a process, a journey during which you grow and develop. Your mission will be tuned in the process. But you probably feel it even now. What you need is to stay open and to allow yourself to dive into it. Leaders are people with their own vision or a vision they have adopted. You may like the vision of somebody else (as Simon Sinek says) and develop the same vision contributing to its expansion in the world with your experience and personality. There are people who can buy just from you. I don’t mean to copy it. No! In order to illustrate what I mean, I will give you an example of one of my clients. During one of our coaching sessions when we worked on her vision and mission she got a very important awareness: “Waw, I participate in a larger project on Earth, and I am not alone in it. There are many other people working in this direction, although I don’t know them. And now I feel very well because I know that I am not alone and we can give a positive impact working together in this direction”. So, the same could be for you as well in your business area. Knowing that there are other people working in the same direction is not a competition. They are just part of a bigger project on Earth.  And the same is about me and my vision. And probably the same is for you as well. What you need is to find your personal path in it and to give your personal imprint on it that only you can give.

How do you feel now? Do you feel that you are a leader? yes?

So as a leader, you need to develop leadership skills and open to people, improve your communication, and grow from within. Even if you think that you are very open and you are very good as a communicator, my practice shows that there is always something for improvement. And when people do it, that opens even bigger doors for them.

Even if you have been a leader in other companies, becoming an entrepreneur you need to grow and develop another mindset. Being an employee you had developed habits to fit an organization, the requirements of the company’s owners and leaders above you. On your energy level, you used to play small. My experience shows that usually even leaders with long experience in companies and very successful careers have a lot of internal issues that stop them from developing their own business successfully. Sometimes, they need their manager’s feedback, other times they need to have their manager’s support, approval of the solutions they offer, etc. Being a solopreneur, entrepreneur, or business owner you become responsible for your decisions and actions. So as a business owner you need to grow from within. This is a process and a journey.

Becoming an entrepreneur could be because of different reasons: you may have an inner call, you cannot find a job, you don’t want to work for other people anymore, you want to create your own fortune, etc. That is why another very important thing is to find what exactly contribution you want to give to the world and then to find how to do it. Whatever was your first reason to dive into entrepreneurship, you need to find your positive motivation and inner call to contribute to others. Without this, you cannot create a successful business that lasts. Finding your inner call and positive motivation for the contribution will help you keep going even in difficult moments. If you find them, you will find your passion, your inner drive to continue to develop and grow your business and yourself as a leader in the years. And if you want to create wealth, you need a lasting business that contributes positively to the world. And it should be something that you love to do and are passionate about. People will buy from you seeing your energy, expertise, and skills. In order to develop them, you need to be passionate about the topic and or the products you sell.

Finding your passion can make you work hours and hours forgetting about yourself and your private life. It can lead to burnout and to health problems or problems at home. If you enter into such challenges, it will drain your energy even more, because as a human you will enter into an inner state of worry. That is why it is very important to find a way to keep your life balance at a good level – to give yourself time for yourself and for the people you love. Sometimes it is very difficult because your salary is not assured for the next month as it was to be in the corporate world. So it could happen for you to work even more than you used to do while you have been an employee. And at this moment you can experience doubt about whether you have made the right choice. In such a moment it is good to step aside, release your fears, and reconnect with your inner call. This I help my client do very efficiently.

Creating a successful business needs persistence, energy, passion, real motivation, dedication, different approaches, and flexibility. It needs to develop new skills, habits, mindset, and to love yourself.

Yes, to love yourself is very important. You can be a leader in an organization and at the same time have problems with self-love. But as a successful business owner, you need to be able to love people in order to develop a successful business. You cannot love others in a healthy way if you don’t love yourself. Also, it is related to your self-esteem and it will resonate in the way you communicate with others about your service and your process, and it will reflect even the time management. And how you will keep your life balance if you don’t love yourself? The answer is – very difficult, and sometimes impossible. And we reach the core challenge that new entrepreneurs could have, and it is self-love that reflects everything you do as a leader, as a business owner, partner, parent, and in all other roles that you have in life.

I have passed through this process and I help people to go smoothly in their journey as new entrepreneurs as well.

And by integrating business, leadership, and life balance coaching together in my programs I help people to cope with their challenges fast. I help them develop as confident and loving leaders that bring their light to others and at the same time provide good finances from their services for leading a fulfilled lifestyle.

Do you want to experience some coaching with me?

You can start with one “Power hour” with me, where you will find clarity about what holds you rotating in one place on a deeper level, what you need to develop, what you want to achieve on a deeper level, and your real motivation to do it. You will release your stress and calm down because you will see your doable road to success. And you will leave with inspiration and a strategy on how to move forward.

Learn more here: Empower Coaching Hour with Ivet

Thank you for reading this article!

Best wishes,

Ivet Pavlova

Business, Leadership and Life Balance Coach and Trainer






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