Get confident in your leadership role – a free webinar for new leaders

Friday July 15th, 2022
Get confident in your leadership role – a free webinar for new leaders

Are you for the first time in a leadership role?

Probably you are happy to achieve this next level in your career and you want to keep it and even grow as a leader in the next years. But how do you actually feel right now?

  • Do you feel as if your confidence is shaking?
  • Do you feel bad about the negative comments by your team members or if someone criticizes you?
  • Do you feel as if you rotate in one place impossible to move forward?

If yes, this webinar is for you.

In this webinar, you will find your authentic way how to bring your confidence back and how to enter your new role as a leader naturally and with ease.

A free online webinar

“Get confident in your leadership role”

July 28th, 2022 from 5 pm to 7 pm EET

This will be a live online webinar in a closed group of up to 20 people because I want to pay attention to all participants. You can register for the webinar at the link below. You will receive your link for attending the webinar in your email,  be sure you will write your email correctly in the registration form.

What are we going to do in this webinar?

  • We are going to discuss the issues related to confidence and how you can cope with them. We will use some coaching tools and the participant will be able to learn from each other.
  • I will work with one of you and while you listen to the demo, you can use the time to answer the same questions by yourself and get as much from it as you can.
  • Then we are going to discuss the things that you have got from this coaching session and the next steps you can take.

Benefits for you

If you allow yourself to get maximum from this session, you will get calmer, inspired, and with much clarity on what and how to change in order to become the leader you are dreaming to be.

For people attending the webinar, they will have a chance to join my Facebook group “Leadership with love and empathy” where they can find like-minded people and more about this topic.

Content of the webinar

As we can be confident in some areas and we can lose confidence in others, we are going to talk about some particular areas in which usually the new leaders experience challenges in the first years of their leadership career, especially in the beginning phase, which are:

  • How to have a friendly attitude and to require work to be done on time.
  • How to lead the daily meetings with the team confidently and create a good mood that increases creativity, cooperation, and effectiveness, instead of being stressed and boring.
  • How to cope with the fear of failure.
  • How to cope with anger about repeating situations and mistakes, or when a team member asks several times about one and the same thing.
  • How to believe in themselves.

These are going to be our 5 basic topics for discussion and many others that you will bring to the table.

It will be 2 hours event. It has 4 parts:

  1. In the first 45 minutes, we are going to know each other, discuss the topics above, and prepare for the next part – the coaching demo: what to expect from it, and how to get the maximum out of it.
  2. Coaching part – In the next 30 minutes I will work with one of you, all others can answer the same questions alone. I will guide you as well during the process.
  3. In the next 25 minutes, we are going to discuss your results, the questions that have arisen during the process, and the possible solutions.
  4. The last 20 minutes are for those who would like to learn more about how I can support them as a coach.

Come and join this webinar with workshop elements inside.

It is free. Hurry up to take your place because they are limited.  

I would like to support as many new leaders as I can because

  • My passion and my mission are to support leaders to emerge from difficult situations and develop their business or career and their life with love and empathy, creating a positive environment where people blossom.

This is the way we all can contribute to a positive change in the world.

The world needs more leaders that lead their people with love and empathy. You can be one of them!

  • We cannot lead people with love and empathy if our confidence is shaking because when we are out of our inner balance we act from the place of stress not from the place of love and empathy. And we get different results.
  • How to change your inner state, you will learn more in the webinar.

Join this webinar and learn more about this topic.

To register for the webinar, please fill up the form below.

Please fill up the following information:

  • Your name and email,
  • That you want to attend the free webinar “Get confident in your leadership role”.
  • Please, describe shortly the challenges you are facing and your motivation for solving them. This is confidential information between you and me.
  • Please, write me down do you agree your topic to be included in the discussion WITHOUT mentioning your names. If you agree, including your topic in the webinar will help you get the maximum from it.

Within 2 working days, I will respond to your email.

    *Signing up for this session I agree to join the Newsletter of Ivet Pavlova Business & Leadership coach for receiving free updates for coaching proposals and useful information. I understand that I can unsubscribe through the option “Unsubscribe” which is available at the end of any email I receive from I understand that my personal data will be kept confidential according to the Privacy Policy and subscribing herein I agree with this policy.

    If you have any questions, connect with me at or +359 888 436 127

    See you soon!

    Best wishes,

    Ivet Pavlova

    Business, leadership & life balance

    NLP & Somatic coach and trainer






    What else would you like to learn about this topic? What are your challenges that you want to address? Please ask your questions or write your comments here. I will answer you within two working days.

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