Get confident in your leadership role coaching program for new leaders

Sunday July 10th, 2022
Get confident in your leadership role coaching program for new leaders

If you are a manager/leader for the first time in your career you may feel

  • Confused about whether this is the right thing for you,
  • Unconfident about how you cope with your new role,
  • Probably it is difficult for you to believe in yourself,
  • And probably you want to complete your projects on time and have a more peaceful life at the same time.

Growing in the hierarchy from an expert to a leadership role requires inner growth, new skills, new behavior, reactions, attitude, and effectiveness. For developing these elements, plus developing your unique, authentic, supportive, problem solving, and inspiring leadership style, we work in my program “Get confident in your leadership role”. 

How does this program differ from the usual leadership programs?

Thanks to the methodologies I use (NLP somatic coaching tools, system constellation, emotional intelligence tools, and others) we work at deeper levels through the body, through the feelings and emotions, images and pictures, where the deep transformation happens. If you are telling yourself “I know so many things, why I cannot implement them in real life?”, thanks to these methodologies I will help you integrate all your knowledge, and it will become part of you and your behavior. You will connect with more resources inside you. You will learn many other new things and you will have fast and lasting results.

The benefit for you if you participate in this program: 

  • You will develop the qualities and skills you need for your new position.
  • You will bring your efficiency and confidence to the next level that will respond to the needs of your new role.
  • Gradually you will start believing in yourself.
  • You will find your authentic way how to inspire and be supportive of people in your team.
  • You will learn how to create an environment where people give the best of themselves and achieve goals with ease.
  • And you will improve your work-life balance in times, feeling happier and fulfilled.

This sample program described below will give you some directions about the topics we might work on in order to improve your confidence in your new role. We will create your personal program together according to your needs. 


Online coaching program

“Get confident in your leadership role” 

Get your free strategy coaching session up to August 31st, 2022

This free strategy coaching session does NOT oblige you anything. It is for you and for me to get to know each other. 

What will you get in this free coaching session: more clarity and your first results that will help you move forward with confidence. This session contains 2+1 parts:

  • A free conversation where I will answer all your questions and tell you more about my method and what to expect.
  • A strategy coaching session in which we are going to explore your areas for development, we are going to define the goals you want to achieve, what stops you from achieving them, and how to overcome the difficulties. You will find your real motivation for achieving your goals which will help you realize them faster and with ease. You will gain much clarity and positive energy, you will become more confident and calm, having your next steps to implement in your daily life.
  • Create your personal program if we decide to work together for achieving your goals.

Register for your free strategy coaching session in the form below.  

Sample coaching program

“Get confident in your leadership role”

If you have other topics for development, please share them with me in the registration form. We are going to discuss them in the strategy session.

  1. How to see the big picture – One of the things new leaders usually miss is seeing the big picture. – We are going to work with you on how to see it and learn how to keep it on focus in your daily routines.
  2. Improving your personal effectiveness – Having long lists of tasks, the new leaders usually multitask with different topics which makes them inefficient. That is why they often work till late and during the weekends. This creates lots of tension and an irritational attitude due to chronic fatigue. How long you could continue like this? How does this impact people in your team? – Working with me you will release all the tension generated from your daily routines, and redefine your priorities. You will find an individual approach for the distribution of tasks and time. You will learn how to manage your emotions and have an objective assessment of your own limits so that not to take more tasks than you can actually do and start delegating properly. And you will restore your work-life balance which is very important for keeping your health and energy on high levels in long term.
  3. Delegating is a usual challenge for new leaders. As they used to be the best in their professional area and often they are perfectionists, usually, they have problems trusting others and releasing control. This “eats” from their time for teaching and mentoring people in their teams and they lose time in reviewing the quality of the work of their team members. – How to delegate and reduce the control, but still monitor the quality of the results, how to teach people and inspire them, this is something that we work out very easily in our coaching sessions.
  4. Giving and receiving feedback – Does the dissatisfaction of colleagues or their negative comments demotivate you? How new leaders give feedback is very important for improving the performance of people in their team and creating a positive environment where people blossom. But it is also very important how leaders receive feedback. Sometimes they have what to transform in both directions – This is something that we are going to work out in our coaching sessions with ease.
  5. Making optimal decisions – Decision-making carries with it responsibilities and sometimes new leaders are not ready to take them. This makes them unconfident and indecisive, and it affects their authority. – How to make decisions with confidence, how to remain open to hearing the experts in your team, and be able to look beyond the details but take them under consideration, are something that we are going to work out with ease in our coaching sessions.
  6. Building healthy boundaries with people in the team while developing an empathic, supportive, decisive, and inspiring leadership style  Here we have several challenges: 1) as a new leader, or an ex-team member growing up in the company’s hierarchy, usually, the new leaders don’t know how to put a proper distance and create friendly relationships with the people with whom they have been on one and the same hierarchy level before that. They have fears about how people perceive them and how to build new respect. 2) Usually, being excellent experts in the previous position, the new leaders’ expectations are very high about the quality and speed of work of others. And if their expectations are not met on a regular basis emotional tension is raising, which can manifest as impatience and irritable attitude. This increases the tension in the team additionally and the possibility of making mistakes that could cost a lot. 3) The other problems might be: how to balance between keeping a friendly attitude and requiring work to be done on time, how to gain the proper respect for their new position, and how to be empathic, inspiring, and decisive at the same time. – Working with me you will find your own unique solutions to all these challenges. You will create your unique approach to how to cope with your emotions, what to change in your approach, how to support and educate people in your team, creating more trust, inspiration, and effectiveness, and you will grow up as a leader that people love and can rely on. You will find your new authentic style, combining it with empathy and a friendly attitude in such a way that you will step into your new role with ease.
  7. Daily team meetings and inspiration – They are very important not only for monitoring the processes and results but also to create an atmosphere of cooperation and inspiration. How the day starts is very important and the tone is given by the leader. Often the new leaders experience some inner blocks at these meetings and the meetings are boring and difficult; hence the daily working process goes without inspiration, and the results are just fine or enough, but sometimes lower than expected. – In our coaching sessions, you will find a new approach to connecting with people and how to create an atmosphere of trust, joy, inspiration, and cooperation that improves the results considerably.
  8. Improving the cooperation with the team leaders of the other departments – Sometimes it is difficult for the new leaders to defend the interests of the people in their team just because they are not used to doing it and they don’t know how and to what extent to do it. How they work with the people from the other teams is very important for the effectiveness and meeting the deadlines without working overtime and during the weekends. – In our coaching sessions, you will improve the way you communicate with the leaders of the other teams and restore the normal working process that is suitable for both parties.
  9. Preparation for important meetings, presentations, networking, and other events – Due to the high level of importance of these events, very often the new leaders experience big levels of stress. These worries block them instead of supporting them, and the results are just average. – Working with me as a coach, I will help you release the stress and worries before important meetings, presentations, networking, and other events, find new approaches, and connect with the inspiration and easiness, which will help you give and get the maximum benefit for the company.

To register for your free strategy coaching session here, please fill in the form below

  • Your name and email, and that you want to register for a free strategy coaching session with me in regards to the program “First-time manager/leader”. 
  • Please describe shortly the challenges you are facing and your motivation for solving them.

Within 2 working days, I will respond to your email and we will discuss the suitable hours for our talk.

    *Signing up for this session I agree to join the Newsletter of Ivet Pavlova Business & Leadership coach for receiving free updates for coaching proposals and useful information. I understand that I can unsubscribe through the option “Unsubscribe” which is available at the end of any email I receive from I understand that my personal data will be kept confidential according to the Privacy Policy and subscribing herein I agree with this policy.

    What else would you like to learn about this topic? What are your challenges that you want to address? Please ask your questions or write your comments here. I will answer you within two working days.

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